Flying at 50,000 feet, I asked the Lord, "Father, what are you doing? What does this mean? How do we partner with you?"
This is what I heard (May 7, 2010): The prayers of creation were ushering in a revelation of His sons. I kept hearing, "Ground swell. Ground swell. Even as the land was quickly flooded and gusts of wind blew on the area, so I am flooding Middle Tennessee with my Presence in even greater dimensions than you've known before. Even as unnatural things happened in the environment, supernatural things are beginning to manifest in Middle TN. The air is becoming thin. The air is becoming thin. There is an increase in the angelic and the presence of supernatural beings. Even as many rally to aid victims in need, so shall my sons and daughters rally together to pour out my love on the needy, the broken, the hungry, the castaway. Intercessors, put your boots on the ground. Blow the trumpet in Music City. Sound the alarm, the sons are rising. The sons are rising. There is a suddenly that is getting ready to happen and the outcome is greater than we have dared to imagine. Shift is happening. Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard. Release the sound over the dam."
©2010 Felicia Murrell YzCounsel Ministries
Perhaps a more fitting title would be ramblings of a mad woman! From mad at the world to mad about Love, I must warn you now that I am extremely opinionated and yes, long winded! So, grab a cup of java or a glass of vino, and curl up on your comfy chair...Deep calls to deep...come take a drink.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Coming Out Of The Closet
One day as I was communing with Him, I fell into a deep sleep with my face upon my pillow.
As I slept, He touched me and I saw myself hid in the furtherest recesses of my closet, cowering in the darkness; kneeling in the corner; arm above my head to protect myself from the world and all therein.
The closet door gently creaked open and I made not a sound, willing myself invisible, afraid for what was next.
Immediately a fragrance overtook me, so sweet was the smell, I lowered my hand and lifted my head to draw in more of the sweet smelling savor.
Much to my dismay, I realized, I had been found out! My secret place uncovered! Exposed to the One.
But wait, what is that look in His eyes? They look like doves eyes. So peaceful, so safe. "I wanna go with You", I thought, "am I safe with you?"
As if He could read my thoughts, He smiled, extended His hand and bid me, "Come. Come up here. I went to prepare a place for you so that you could be with me where I am. My Dad has many rooms in His house. If that wasn't the truth, I wouldn't say it to you. I promised I wouldn't leave you as an orphan. I came for you. I promised I wouldn't leave you comfortless. Have you met Helper, My friend? Your friend? He will guide you into all truth. Why has your soul been so downcast? Put your hope in Me alone. Here, let me take this (False Security - my black cape). And here let me take this (Extra - my false comfort). And here, can I have that? (Wall - my defense mechanism I've used all of my life to survive). And if you'd like, you can hand me those lies, those fears, and that ball of unforgiveness. No pressure, only if you'd like. Come, come walk with me through the valley of the shadow of death. It's ok. Nothing to fear now, I am with you. My rod and my staff, they will provide comfort for you. And you can have as much of me as you want for surely goodness and mercy are with you. And beloved, I have good and perfect gifts for you, compliments of My Father and Your Father. You see, you never sweep a house clean and leave it empty. So for everything you've given me on our journey together, I want to restore to you gifts that were rightfully yours from the beginning: my signet ring, this is your all access pass to the Kingdom. All of heaven is open to you. There is nothing on hold from you. With my ring, you shall decree a thing and it shall be established for you and light will shine on your ways. I also bestow upon you, the robe of righteousness - you are forever secure in my love. Every decision made from my love, every thought, every action, every word, every deed done from my love will be correct. To live from my love is to have My mind. My scepter is always extended to you. The veil is torn in two. You can forever come and be with me where I am. You never have to leave my presence. In me is fullness of joy and at my right hand, I always have pleasures. I have also for you a jeweled crown. I am your defender. My love is your greatest weapon. No longer are you to merely survive, I hereby crown you to thrive."
Though I was weak and faint, with every step, He lent me His strength. With every word spoken from His lips, I stood more erect. We walked and we walked, sometimes just walking and saying no words.
As I continued to sleep, I looked again and realized no longer was a little scared abandoned orphan girl walking with Him. That person was no more. The pauper was made alive to God in Christ Jesus!
Awakened to her identity, now a radiant princess adorned in her royalty.
Who is that dancing upon the mountain? You are a radiant song, a breath of fresh air, still magnolias hung on its branches. Who is that partnering with heaven to transform the world? You are my fair one, my beloved, my bride. Who is that? Who are you?
I am the called out one. You have called me out of darkness, out of the recesses of my closet corner into your marvelous light. Good bye false security, good bye wall, good bye lies. Good bye false comfort. Hello Father and all you offer.
©2010 Felicia Murrell
As I slept, He touched me and I saw myself hid in the furtherest recesses of my closet, cowering in the darkness; kneeling in the corner; arm above my head to protect myself from the world and all therein.
The closet door gently creaked open and I made not a sound, willing myself invisible, afraid for what was next.
Immediately a fragrance overtook me, so sweet was the smell, I lowered my hand and lifted my head to draw in more of the sweet smelling savor.
Much to my dismay, I realized, I had been found out! My secret place uncovered! Exposed to the One.
But wait, what is that look in His eyes? They look like doves eyes. So peaceful, so safe. "I wanna go with You", I thought, "am I safe with you?"
As if He could read my thoughts, He smiled, extended His hand and bid me, "Come. Come up here. I went to prepare a place for you so that you could be with me where I am. My Dad has many rooms in His house. If that wasn't the truth, I wouldn't say it to you. I promised I wouldn't leave you as an orphan. I came for you. I promised I wouldn't leave you comfortless. Have you met Helper, My friend? Your friend? He will guide you into all truth. Why has your soul been so downcast? Put your hope in Me alone. Here, let me take this (False Security - my black cape). And here let me take this (Extra - my false comfort). And here, can I have that? (Wall - my defense mechanism I've used all of my life to survive). And if you'd like, you can hand me those lies, those fears, and that ball of unforgiveness. No pressure, only if you'd like. Come, come walk with me through the valley of the shadow of death. It's ok. Nothing to fear now, I am with you. My rod and my staff, they will provide comfort for you. And you can have as much of me as you want for surely goodness and mercy are with you. And beloved, I have good and perfect gifts for you, compliments of My Father and Your Father. You see, you never sweep a house clean and leave it empty. So for everything you've given me on our journey together, I want to restore to you gifts that were rightfully yours from the beginning: my signet ring, this is your all access pass to the Kingdom. All of heaven is open to you. There is nothing on hold from you. With my ring, you shall decree a thing and it shall be established for you and light will shine on your ways. I also bestow upon you, the robe of righteousness - you are forever secure in my love. Every decision made from my love, every thought, every action, every word, every deed done from my love will be correct. To live from my love is to have My mind. My scepter is always extended to you. The veil is torn in two. You can forever come and be with me where I am. You never have to leave my presence. In me is fullness of joy and at my right hand, I always have pleasures. I have also for you a jeweled crown. I am your defender. My love is your greatest weapon. No longer are you to merely survive, I hereby crown you to thrive."
Though I was weak and faint, with every step, He lent me His strength. With every word spoken from His lips, I stood more erect. We walked and we walked, sometimes just walking and saying no words.
As I continued to sleep, I looked again and realized no longer was a little scared abandoned orphan girl walking with Him. That person was no more. The pauper was made alive to God in Christ Jesus!
Awakened to her identity, now a radiant princess adorned in her royalty.
Who is that dancing upon the mountain? You are a radiant song, a breath of fresh air, still magnolias hung on its branches. Who is that partnering with heaven to transform the world? You are my fair one, my beloved, my bride. Who is that? Who are you?
I am the called out one. You have called me out of darkness, out of the recesses of my closet corner into your marvelous light. Good bye false security, good bye wall, good bye lies. Good bye false comfort. Hello Father and all you offer.
©2010 Felicia Murrell
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
God's Fatherlike Qualities
As I was reading about the Father Heart of God and the depths of His love for us, I was so overwhelmed with these thoughts. I found myself studying seven areas of God’s Fatherlike qualities that have oft times been misrepresented to us – either through childhood situations or life experiences and hurts. Because we tend to see God through the lens of our own perceptions, we may have a reality about Father (Abba, Papa) that isn’t His reality.
The areas are: 1. Authority 2.Trust 3.Values 4.Affection 5. Presence 6. Acceptance 7. Communication
Let’s reflect for a moment and in the process, I pray, draw closer to the heart of Papa God.
1. What breeds distrust in you in the area of authority? Was there some male figure, who wrongly misrepresented himself to you through physical, verbal, or mental abuse? Sometimes, we shrink away from God’s authority because we assume He will be like other authority figures in our lives. Let me assure, He will not. Papa God is perfect love. You don’t have to run from Him. Even when you are wrong, even we you have sinned, even when you doubt or feel discouraged, run to Him. Run to Him, Beloved and hurl yourself upon His lap. Rest in Him.
2. Maybe as a child you lost a parent or were “orphaned” because other things took precedence over you in your parent’s life. Perhaps there’s been someone you trusted to be there “forever” that chose not to honor and keep a forever covenant. Now as God’s child, you find it difficult to trust in His faithfulness. Perhaps shattered childhood promises, neglect, or a broken heart causes you to approach Him with cynicism and distrust. Know, beloved that God is there. He has always been there, through every hurt, through every disappointment – even now, at this very moment, He is there. He is waiting with outstretched arms. 2 Timothy 2:13(TLB) records,” Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, He remains faithful to us…and He will always carry out His promises to us.” Go on, beloved. If your family member or spouse or friend or pastor failed in their responsibility to you, recognize it, forgive them, and go on to receive God’s love.
3. God’s values are significantly different from ours. While we tend to be caught up in the pursuit of things, the greatest demonstration of what God values is you. His Father heart for you is revealed in His concern for every single detail of your life. God is in the dailies. He loves to bless you, He longs to love you. Papa is not stingy, possessive, or materialistic. He values you.
4. You, dear one, are the apple of God’s eye. Even covered with mud, sin, shame, guilt, He doesn’t turn you away. No, as a mom would wash the feet of child whose being playing outside in the mud before coming in, Papa simply takes the garden hose filled with His son’s blood and washes you clean and draws you into a loving embrace. He pursues you with His forgiveness and His love. Stop running from Him, run to Him.
5. God has the ability to be with you all the time. It is true that He never leaves or forsakes you. He is always there, Jehovah Shammah. Do you understand why the reality of this truth is so important? Imagine if you will, a time in your own life, when you waited all day by the window for your mom or dad. Imagine that you had planned a romantic evening for a special someone in your life only to have him come home grumpy, not wanting to engage. Imagine that your mom and dad came home, time after time, too tired to revel in the finger-painted picture, too tired to hear about your day at school, give you a hug, make eye contact, the enemy begins to use these wounds to sow ungodly beliefs in your thoughts and your heart. “You’re not important. No one values you. No one wants to spend time with you.” You know, all of the lies we unwittingly entertain. Unfortunately, those lies unchecked create an expectation of alone-ness and isolation. We begin to be lonely and expect surface friendships, even in our relationship with God. Since our parents weren’t there, we reason, God couldn’t possibly be either. Beloved, God is our for REAL Father. He always will be. There is nothing fake or pretentious about Him. Try not to resent the failings of your human mom and dad. Try not to resent the failings of special someones' who did not meet your expectations. Rather, forgive and release them. And run to Dad, Jehovah Shammah, who is always there.
6. Let’s face it – we live in a performance based society. Much of the love we give and receive is based on conditions, whether spoken or unspoken. We, unconsciously, convey to our kids, “if you make the soccer team, if you bring home a good report card, if you clean your room, then you are loved, then you are accepted, then you will receive my praise. God, however, IS unconditional love. He loves us because He is love. We don’t need to do anything to convince Him to love us, while we were yet sinners, He loves us. All we have to do is receive His love. An even greater reality that Abba wants you to glean from His love, He approves of you. You are the apple of His eye. Imagine if Doug brought me flowers and said, “I love you, Felicia.” And then I in turn ran in the room and grabbed my wallet and tried to pay him for his expression of love. It would be like a slap in his face that I just couldn’t accept and receive his expression of love. Beloved, what is your response when God says He loves you? Do you just toss His bouquet of roses to the side with a shrug and a feeling of unworthiness? Do you fall on your knees with guilt promising to pray more, serve more, read your Bible more, do more, or whatever more frantic activity you think will be repayment enough for Abba’s love? Stop striving, dear one. As content as a sleeping babe curled in the arms of his mom after a feast of nourishment at her breast, so does the Lord desire you to be in Father’s love. Rest in His love. Stop your striving, dear one. Rest in His love. Enjoy the deep sense of peace that comes from knowing Dad loves you just as you are. “He is mighty to save, he will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17).
7. If you have been hindered in your relationship to God because of lack in some area of parental love, because of disappointment, or what you believe to be unjust circumstances, tell the Lord how you feel and ask Him for help. You MUST choose to forgive anyone who has hurt you. No matter the offense, you are 100% responsible for forgiving. There is no peace in bitterness. And beloved, don’t allow those subtle lies of the enemy to fool you. You are not alone. You are not the only who’s been there. All flesh is grass. All have sinned. All have hurt or been hurt. What counts is that you communicate those hurts to the Lord and ask forgiveness for the hurts you’ve extended to others. Talk to Him and then listen, He’s waiting to talk back.
God is the Perfect Parent, receive His love.
©2008 Felicia Murrell
The areas are: 1. Authority 2.Trust 3.Values 4.Affection 5. Presence 6. Acceptance 7. Communication
Let’s reflect for a moment and in the process, I pray, draw closer to the heart of Papa God.
1. What breeds distrust in you in the area of authority? Was there some male figure, who wrongly misrepresented himself to you through physical, verbal, or mental abuse? Sometimes, we shrink away from God’s authority because we assume He will be like other authority figures in our lives. Let me assure, He will not. Papa God is perfect love. You don’t have to run from Him. Even when you are wrong, even we you have sinned, even when you doubt or feel discouraged, run to Him. Run to Him, Beloved and hurl yourself upon His lap. Rest in Him.
2. Maybe as a child you lost a parent or were “orphaned” because other things took precedence over you in your parent’s life. Perhaps there’s been someone you trusted to be there “forever” that chose not to honor and keep a forever covenant. Now as God’s child, you find it difficult to trust in His faithfulness. Perhaps shattered childhood promises, neglect, or a broken heart causes you to approach Him with cynicism and distrust. Know, beloved that God is there. He has always been there, through every hurt, through every disappointment – even now, at this very moment, He is there. He is waiting with outstretched arms. 2 Timothy 2:13(TLB) records,” Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, He remains faithful to us…and He will always carry out His promises to us.” Go on, beloved. If your family member or spouse or friend or pastor failed in their responsibility to you, recognize it, forgive them, and go on to receive God’s love.
3. God’s values are significantly different from ours. While we tend to be caught up in the pursuit of things, the greatest demonstration of what God values is you. His Father heart for you is revealed in His concern for every single detail of your life. God is in the dailies. He loves to bless you, He longs to love you. Papa is not stingy, possessive, or materialistic. He values you.
4. You, dear one, are the apple of God’s eye. Even covered with mud, sin, shame, guilt, He doesn’t turn you away. No, as a mom would wash the feet of child whose being playing outside in the mud before coming in, Papa simply takes the garden hose filled with His son’s blood and washes you clean and draws you into a loving embrace. He pursues you with His forgiveness and His love. Stop running from Him, run to Him.
5. God has the ability to be with you all the time. It is true that He never leaves or forsakes you. He is always there, Jehovah Shammah. Do you understand why the reality of this truth is so important? Imagine if you will, a time in your own life, when you waited all day by the window for your mom or dad. Imagine that you had planned a romantic evening for a special someone in your life only to have him come home grumpy, not wanting to engage. Imagine that your mom and dad came home, time after time, too tired to revel in the finger-painted picture, too tired to hear about your day at school, give you a hug, make eye contact, the enemy begins to use these wounds to sow ungodly beliefs in your thoughts and your heart. “You’re not important. No one values you. No one wants to spend time with you.” You know, all of the lies we unwittingly entertain. Unfortunately, those lies unchecked create an expectation of alone-ness and isolation. We begin to be lonely and expect surface friendships, even in our relationship with God. Since our parents weren’t there, we reason, God couldn’t possibly be either. Beloved, God is our for REAL Father. He always will be. There is nothing fake or pretentious about Him. Try not to resent the failings of your human mom and dad. Try not to resent the failings of special someones' who did not meet your expectations. Rather, forgive and release them. And run to Dad, Jehovah Shammah, who is always there.
6. Let’s face it – we live in a performance based society. Much of the love we give and receive is based on conditions, whether spoken or unspoken. We, unconsciously, convey to our kids, “if you make the soccer team, if you bring home a good report card, if you clean your room, then you are loved, then you are accepted, then you will receive my praise. God, however, IS unconditional love. He loves us because He is love. We don’t need to do anything to convince Him to love us, while we were yet sinners, He loves us. All we have to do is receive His love. An even greater reality that Abba wants you to glean from His love, He approves of you. You are the apple of His eye. Imagine if Doug brought me flowers and said, “I love you, Felicia.” And then I in turn ran in the room and grabbed my wallet and tried to pay him for his expression of love. It would be like a slap in his face that I just couldn’t accept and receive his expression of love. Beloved, what is your response when God says He loves you? Do you just toss His bouquet of roses to the side with a shrug and a feeling of unworthiness? Do you fall on your knees with guilt promising to pray more, serve more, read your Bible more, do more, or whatever more frantic activity you think will be repayment enough for Abba’s love? Stop striving, dear one. As content as a sleeping babe curled in the arms of his mom after a feast of nourishment at her breast, so does the Lord desire you to be in Father’s love. Rest in His love. Stop your striving, dear one. Rest in His love. Enjoy the deep sense of peace that comes from knowing Dad loves you just as you are. “He is mighty to save, he will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17).
7. If you have been hindered in your relationship to God because of lack in some area of parental love, because of disappointment, or what you believe to be unjust circumstances, tell the Lord how you feel and ask Him for help. You MUST choose to forgive anyone who has hurt you. No matter the offense, you are 100% responsible for forgiving. There is no peace in bitterness. And beloved, don’t allow those subtle lies of the enemy to fool you. You are not alone. You are not the only who’s been there. All flesh is grass. All have sinned. All have hurt or been hurt. What counts is that you communicate those hurts to the Lord and ask forgiveness for the hurts you’ve extended to others. Talk to Him and then listen, He’s waiting to talk back.
God is the Perfect Parent, receive His love.
©2008 Felicia Murrell
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