Thursday, January 14, 2016

Dime A Dozen

In the past,  whenever someone mentioned the idea of me writing a book,  I would smirk and respond,  "Books are a dime a dozen. Everybody's writing a book these days, why on earth would I write a book?" Or I'd encourage them to read Wayne Jacobsen's book, He Loves Me. Because everything I would have ever written, he wrote in that book.

After I'd been sitting on the shell of a manuscipt for over a year, one day as I was walking in my former neighborhood,  I felt very clearly like Father said to me, "I need you to release your book in the earth. It's time."  I heard it and made some initial inquiries into what it would take to make that happen,  but really didn't do anything more. 

Months later,  a friend posted on fb that she dreamed she was reading my book. Another friend saw her post and private messaged me to say she wanted to sow into helping me get my book completed. These two ladies are the catalyst behind Truth Encounters. 

When I told my mom that I would be writing a book about the abortion I had at 16, she asked me what in the world I wanted to do that for and I responded that I thought my story could help other people break free of shame. Her reply,  "Hmph...well, you got a lot of guts."

You never know what is gonna happen when you write a book. You expect your friends and family to say nice things about it, at least you hope they will. What I never expected was to meet people in a small iconic town in Middle TN who read the book and have been greatly impacted by it. That was humbling for sure. 

Moral of the story - You, your story, your voice is not a dime a dozen. There's unique breakthrough in your life, in your story that is meant to touch the heart of another. You're an original,  not a copy. Tell your story. It needs to be released in the earth. If for no other reason than kicking shame and fear in the throat, tell your story.

Curious about my story?