Often, we look at "original sin" from the starting point of Adam's actions. In doing so, we miss a huge key to transformation. Adam's demise did not begin when he ate the apple, Adam's sin happened when he believed in his heart that he was separate from God and had to DO something to be like Him, to obtain something from Him. From that grave omission, we have oft repeated this same pattern in society, expecting our doing to produce a certain result.
When people "sin" or act unjustly, we demand they DO something to correct their behavior. We tout "action oriented" solutions as the answer to all the world's problems and attack injustice with a vengeance, willpower against willpower, using negative energy to attempt to bring about good.
Had Adam believed differently in his HEART, he would have responded differently. Jesus, himself said in Matt. 5:27-28 "You have heard that it was said,‘ You shall not commit adultery ’; but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Don't sleep on Jesus. Just as pain and disease is an outward expression of inner dysfunction in the body, the -isms of today in all their vile expressions are outward expressions of hearts in great turmoil.
No lasting change to systemic injustices will come without an inner experience of union with the Divine and His creation. A wise person once penned, "guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life." Something happens within before it ever flows outward. If we miss the both/and of that truth, we will fail to rightly respond to the need of our day.
We do need action that produces results, AND we need action that is borne of hearts awakened to the collective experience of humanity. Whatever I do to you, I do to me. We are not separate from one another. There is nothing more for me to chase or consume or aspire to that would vindicate me trampling over you to get there. The fear of scarcity has us living selfishly and running amuck in chaos. We have enough. We are enough. Enough is enough.
What am I doing to awaken my heart to love? How am I cultivating compassion within so that kindness flows out? How am I intentionally participating with the Divine to be a peace maker among humanity? Am I known for what I'm for even more so than the things I'm against? What am I demanding of myself in my demand for others to get it right? Have I removed the log from my own eye or addressed the hidden places in my own heart before I've leaned in to touch yours?