From Shame to Fame
I live to make His name renown
No longer timid or caught in the web of false humility
My eyes hath opened
I now realize the lie in its severity
"It's not me, it's Jesus," I've meekly replied
"More of Him and less of me"
My Christian cliche to ward off pride
Through the lens of love
Truth is revealed
All the broken and shattered places are healed
True humility is my total dependence on You
All of me covered by all of Thee
No longer do I cower or seek
to hide my greatness
No longer do I run or shy away from radiance
I know who I am and what I carry
Overshadowed by Your Spirit just like Mary
I'm a beggar before You
And a King before Men
I've got to have more of Your Presence
For breakthrough I doth contend
I'm not satisfied with the status quo
I want to see greater works
An heir to Abraham's promise is who I am
Through me the nations of the world will be blessed
From Shame to Fame
I've been freed to make Your name renown
I know who owns the crown
The glory which Abba gave You
You've given to us
An encounter with You we owe to the world
To demonstrate Your love is a must
From Shame to Fame
How glorious Your name
in all the Earth
For none can compare
to Your matchless worth!
To walk with You
To live for You
To make Your name renown
I've accepted that you've
enabled me, equipped me, empowered me
to do good works
No longer will I cower or shy away from
All you've called me to do
I've come into alignment
You've given me an assignment
That only I can carry through
I am your workmanship
An original masterpiece
I will bring you fame
Because that's who you've
created me to be
To be an influencer
An encourager
A lover
A peacemaker with all men
To bring Heaven's reality to Earth
No matter the circle I'm in
To believe that You are
And that Your power dwells in me
A life of co-laboring is my destiny
Creation is groaning for the unveiling of sons
It's time for us to take our rightful place
To encounter the love of God
To become an encounter
To lead others into your face
From shame to fame
I live to make Your name renown
You chose me
You've called me to succeed
The shining of my light
A mere reflection of Your glory
Everything I am is because of You
For the glory of my King
I live to see my grave emptied
Every ounce of my destiny spent
I'm not satisfied with the status quo
Enlarge my capacity for more
Fill me to the full, then fill me again
Let Your goodness overflow from my brim
The overflow is for my guests
Through me the nations of the world will be blessed
This is my destiny
This is who You've called me to be
From Shame to Fame
I live to make Your name renown
For I'm complete in You
Make me Thy fuel, O Flame of God
©2010 Felicia Murrell