Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Either Christ is Truth or He’s not. Either we are one with Him or we’re not. The lie of separation has perpetuated bad theology for far too long in our civilization. There are absolutely things we cannot make sense of and things we cannot explain, this is the mystery of life. The wonder of love. This is faith.

Things do happen that we can’t explain. That’s life. Too often in the vacuum of reason, we blame God. But even God said, “in this world you will have trouble...” Our hope and very breath is the affirming encouragement he finished that pronouncement with, “take heart. I have overcome the world.”

Yes, suffering, illness, pain, tragedy, evil are all a very real part of our existence. But God has no ego that demands or requires our idolatrous worship. He’s not some cosmic deity spinning bad tapestries to draw you closer to him or grab your attention.

This is the truth available for us as humans that are one with God, and once you see you can’t unsee. This is the love of God, the restoration and renewal of all things. This is redemption. God is with you. God is in you.

I am one with God and one with creation. Together, may we embrace all that life has to offer. May we celebrate our joys, mourn our sadness, grieve with those who grieve. May we love well and overcome evil with good.

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