Friday, January 13, 2023

A Call To Action

 Target your community and infiltrate it with love and hope. Seek to understand.


- Attend your local civic league. Know the people who are making decisions in your neighborhood and district.

-Buy a LEO lunch and have a conversation. Ask disarming questions. 

- Gather 3 couples from other ethnic groups and/or religions and host a dinner for 8. Learn about one another's culture, histories, struggles and successes. 

- For those of you who feel called to simply pray. Great. Go prayer walk in an indigent neighborhood with gloved hands and a trash bag and pick up trash as you declare and proclaim, nothing wrong with that at all. 

- Open your eyes and see humanity. 

- When school starts back, go spend an hour as a tutor or teacher's helper in an inner city/ or underfunded school. 

- No time in your work day to be hands on? Great. Take a $20 and offer it to a teacher in said school to help her buy classroom supplies. 

- Read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson to educate yourself. Learn more about Restorative Justice practices and how you can get involved. 

- Realize that your acknowledgement of someone's pain without justification or defense of what caused the pain is like air to a suffocating person. Look someone in the face that doesn't look like you and say, "I see you. I hear you. I don't know your pain, firsthand, but I'm certainly sorry for your pain." 

Still not sure "how you can help" or "what you can do"? Get quiet. Ask Holy Spirit, "Holy Spirit, how can I help my sister and my brother lay down tonight and sleep without fear? Holy Spirit, what does love look like expressed through my life? Holy Spirit, how do I stand in solidarity with the hurting? Jesus, what does your body broken look like in our community today?" And then listen, because Love leads.#lovelookslikesomething

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