Monday, June 27, 2011

Can I Trust You To Love Me

From the little girl in me.  For every person who has ever felt controlled or manipulated by another. For every parent who shadows or suffocates their child's life out of fear of their choices.  For every person who has been set free to love. For every person still searching for that freedom, may you find it in the arms and eyes of the One who gave His life for you - Jesus Christ and His Heavenly Daddy.

Can I trust you to love me

Can I trust you
to hold my hand in your heart
Without laying it down
Or breaking it apart

Can I trust you
to lead me
To guide me with your eye
Without trying to control me
Or make me comply

When I look in your eyes
will I see love
 or disappointment
will you simply berate me
Taunt me

Can you call out my gold
Still love me
when I'm at my worse
Or will you bang your fist
Shake your head
Spew vile words and curse

Can I trust you to empower me
To teach me to think
Will you crush me beneath your power
Cause me to shrink

Back into the wall
Afraid and alone
My voice snuffed out
 beneath your tyranny
My glory no longer shone

You control and define me
Til no longer I know
What it means to be free

You have all the power
Scared to give me any
Fear that my choices
Will make you look silly

Fear of my mistakes
Fear of how I'll make you look
Compels you to keep me
safe on your hook

Push back the bondage
Say no to control
The Father has come with Truth
To make you whole

He's arrived on the scene
Snips the cord on those lies
Hey! Look at me, I'll guide you with My eye

I don't know that I can trust you
But I can trust Him
I'll risk loving you regardless
I'll go out on a limb

I can't change you
I can control me
Can't get you to see
The freedom I walk in
My sweet victories

I no longer have to
Shrink back
I have a voice
I'll choose to risk loving you
Even though you'll want to exert power

I'll receive His grace
To live free
It's sufficient
Every hour

I've learned to be me
The sting of your rejection
Swallowed up in Christ's victory

There's freedom in that
That keeps me from withholding
There's a confidence I gain in Him
That keeps me beholding

His eyes define me
His love it shapes me
Molded by His truth
To break the chains the bind
Tis true they say
Love wins every time

Can I trust you to love me
I'm not sure that you know how
But there is One who loves me truly
Restored my glory
Set me to ruling

There is One who restores
What I lack
The pain of my wounding
Was taken upon His back

In Him my love tank
Is filled to overflowing
In Him my life
Is radiant and glowing

Because of Him
I'll take the risk
Because of Him
I'll love regardless

Who I am
Is not defined by you
I'll love like my Heavenly Father

With passion
With fervor
With commitment
With zeal

With honor
And integrity
I'll let love heal

Can I trust you to love me
I don't know
But I can trust Him
He'll protect my heart
Heal my hurts
So I'll go out on a limb

I can't control you
Or how you do life
But I can control me
So I'll choose right

To be the same me
No matter the situation
Or circumstance
To love every time
Give people a chance

To choose truth over lies
See gold where there's dirt
To live free of fear
To run to Papa with my hurt

Hurt people hurt people
Healed people heal people
Controlled people
become controllers
Or worse
They become victims

It's over
We say no
It's time to end this
senseless rhythm

Maybe I can't trust you
But I can trust Him
And with that knowing
I'll go out on a whim

Love heals.
Love wins.
Love frees.

Father, into Your hands, I commit my spirit.

© Felicia Murrell 2011


  1. Wow Felicia, that's really so good and very timely for me to hear. You have a very deep well you're drawing from and I love it and appreciate you so much. Thanks for your courage to pour it out.

  2. After I posted that last comment I noticed the title of your blog, Deep Wells... I hadn't seen that before I wrote ... such a perfect name.
