Saturday, December 23, 2017

Awakening at Advent

At the sea
Before day breaks
Under the cover of night
The sky meets the sea
And you can tell they were 
Once one
Like the gong of a tuning fork
The ebb and flow of the waves resonate
Calling us all back to union
Awake, O sleeper
You too were once one
Arise and remember 
Your true position in the earth
Separation is an illusion
Your fragmented soul but a myth
In Him you live and move and have your being
The Divine among us
Within us
One with us
His name Immanuel
To remind us of what we have forgotten
To awaken us from our slumber
Peace on earth
You are joined to all
Goodwill toward men
Creation is begging 
For us to remember 
This moment requires
That we get it right
Even as light nears on the horizon
Through the lens
It still looks dark
Perceived as the end of a thing 
Yet we know it to be more
An invitation 
A door
What will you see when you look upon the darkness
Pause and remember 
What is easily forgotten 
In the light of day
Immanuel has come
Immanuel has risen
Immanuel is one with us

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