Friday, June 22, 2018

Redefining Normal

If I've lived my life drinking coke and kool aid, eating fatback, neckbones, bologna and pig feet, I don't know that my diet is nutritionally hazardous. To me, it's normal. It's just what I eat.

It isn't until someone introduces me to better nutritional options and begins to teach me about the effects of inflammation has the root of all disease and healthy, living foods that I know differently. 

With this information in hand, I now have a choice. I can continue to consistently eat the things that endanger me and could possibly kill me. I can choose to solely eat things that bring me life. I can even mix the two "in moderation", if I so desire. 

Dysfunction is much like this. I didn't know my normal wasn't normal until I saw a healthier model for doing life and relationships. I didn’t realize the people and situations I was constantly exposing myself to was directly affecting the amount of inflammation around my heart. In a constant state of turmoil and emotional upheaval. So much unnecessary pain.

A friend suggested I follow a GAP diet for 30 days. Essentially, it’s an elimination diet that removes potential sources of pain, inflammation and allergic reactions to allow your body to get clean enough to notice and be aware of how it responds to certain foods. Sometimes we have to do this with toxic people and toxic situations, eliminate from our diet for a period of time before slowly reintroducing them to see how our heart responds to their presence.

After being introduced to and taught a healthier way of connecting, I now get to decide if I remain in dysfunction; if I choose solely to live in and cultivate healthy relationships; or if I live moderately, mixing the two. I’ve also noticed that after a period of extended elimination, while I can’t overindulge, I can tolerate some things that I once couldn’t stomach. 

The truth, whether food or relationships, remains the same. Only you get to decide how much dysfunction and unhealthiness you're going to participate in. Be kind to you and choose well.

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